
Helen C. Crane was certainly prolific in composing music for piano. Among her works are shorter pieces referred to as “Miniature Sketches“(40). In addition to these she crafted two Intermezzi and 3 Ballades. Totally new and different, certainly in terminology we have 4 Sonnets for Pianoforte, basically an A B A form. Along with these she composed many sets of works grouped around central themes, ie. “September Days” (6), “Morning Moods” (4), “Am Schloss Kamin” (6) (Fireside at the Castle). All her music retains a sense of tonal center. She utilizes unusual key treatments & modulations. Her music exhibits memorable lyricism, with use of blues idioms & syncopation. Because she uses such a broad and varied palette she is sure to intrigue and hold the attention and interest of pianists and their audiences for years to come.
Get an idea of what her Piano Music is like !
Morning Moods op. 45, no. 3
Morning Moods op. 45, no. 3
Scènes Champêtres op. 31, no.2
Scènes Champêtres op. 31, no. 2
Four Sonnets op. 37, no.1
Four Sonnets op. 37, no.1
We have chosen from all these works select pieces, roughly graded in difficulty to render Book I (Intermediate) and Book II (Advanced). Book Three and Book Four include the sets of character pieces “September Days”, “Scènes Champêtres” (Country Scenes), Book Four includes “Am Schloss Kamin”(Fireside at the Castle), “Morning Moods” and “Two Piano Pieces” It is our hope that this collection will give pianists, students and teachers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with Ms. Crane’s craft and broad palette of style. Click on the book to drill down and learn more about its contents: